[Construction of the Ashokan Dam.]
Ashokan Bridge and Olive Bridge Dam [Catskill System.]
Ashokan Dam, showing High Point, Catskill Mountains, N.Y.
Footbridge. Ashokan Dam, High Point Mountain, near Browns Station, N. Y.
Ashokan Bridge Over Dividing Weir at Ashokan Reservoir [Catskill System.]
Boulevard on top of Ashokan Dam and Gate Chamber, Catskill Mts., N. Y.
Pipe Line & Copper Dam, Ashakan Reservoir. Near Brown's Station, N. Y.
Olive Bridge Dam, Downstream Face [Catskill System.]
Reservoir Dam, Esopus Creek near Browns Station, N.Y.
Olive Bridge Dam, Relocated Highway in Foreground [Catskill System.]
Dividing Weir and Ashokan Bridge [Catskill System.]
"New York City Water Supply." Olive Bridge Dam of the Ashokan Reservoir Showing "High Point," Catskill Mts., N.Y.
Ashokan Reservoir Basin Before Construction [Catskill System.]
Bishops Falls, Olive Bridge, Catskills Mts., Ashokan Reservoir Dam, New York City's Future Water Supply.
First Pipes Laid at Ashokan Reservoir 1907.
Waste Weir of Ashokan Reservoir, December 1916 [Catskill System.]
View of the Main Dam of the N. Y. City Water Supply, Brown's Station, in the Catskills, N. Y.
Ashokan Aerator and Screen Chamber [Catskill System.]