Leeds Bridge, Catskill Mountains, N. Y.
Police Barracks and one of the finest on duty. Brown's Station, in the Catskills, N.Y. Site of N.Y. City Water Supply.
View of the Main Dam of the N. Y. City Water Supply, Brown's Station, in the Catskills, N. Y.
Bishops Falls & Oldest Wooden Bridge in Catskills, Brodhead, N. Y.
Looking Over the Spillway, Showing Overflow and Waste Weir, Ashokan Reservoir, Catskill Mts., N. Y.
Street Scene and Working Men's Quarters in the Ashokan District, Brown's Station, in the Catskills, N.Y. Site of N.Y. City Water Supply.
The Four Great Draw Towers at Work in the Main Dam of the N.Y. City Water Supply, Brown's Station, in the Catskills N. Y.
Ashokan Reservoir Water Channel and Beaverkill Bridge at Brown Station, Catskill Mountains, N. Y.
Boulevard on top of Ashokan Dam and Gate Chamber, Catskill Mts., N. Y.
Arrival of Train at West End, Long Branch. N.J.
W. D. R. R. and Big Swamp, Browns Station, N. Y.
Ashokan Reservoir, Twin Bridges at Watson Hollow, Catskill Mts., N.Y.
Traver Hollow Bridge, Boulevard around Ashokan Reservoir, Catskill Mountains, N.Y.
Aerating the Water, Ashokan Reservoir. Showing the Gate Chamber and Round Top Mountain, Catskill Mts. N. Y.
"New York City Water Supply." Aerating the Water, Ashokan Reservoir, Catskill Mts., N. Y.
Ashokan Reservoir, One of the Twin Bridges at Watson Hollow, Catskill Mts., N.Y.
Running Over Spillway Bridge, Catskill Mts., N. Y. The Ashokan Reservoir Waste Weir, Showing New York City Boulevard.
"New York City Water Supply." Looking Over the Spillway of Ashokan Reservoir, Catskill Mts., N. Y.
The Tower on Winchell Hill (McClellan Monument), Ashokan Reservoir, Catskill Mts., N. Y.