Bay Ridge Improvement. Long Island Railroad
9055505. Hamilton Beach Station, L.I.R.R.
9105504. Aqueduct Station, L.I.R.R.
9105506. L.I.R.R. Train at 158th Ave., Howard Beach, Queens.
Look Out (Flag pole, L.I.R.R. Station)
5165405. Rockaway Park Station, L.I.R.R.
Far Rockaway Sta., L.I.R.R. 3035710.
Far Rockaway Station, L.I.R.R. 7075604.
Far Rockaway station, L.I.R.R. 7075602.
L.I.R.R. Train in Far Rockaway Station. 7075605.
Power Houses & Substations Parkville Sub Sta. #7 Bet. B.B.R.R. & E. 18th St., south of L.I.R.R.
The Seamen's Bank for Savings Rapid Transit Map of Greater New York
Power Houses & Substations E.N.Y. Sub Sta. #16 N. Side Broadway east of near L.I.R.R.
Hotel Brighton, Brighton Beach
Map of Manhattan and Bronx [Map of Manhattan and western Brooklyn and Queens.]
Map of the City of New York with the latest Improvments.
Plan of the City of New York. 1780.
B.R.T. Crosstown.