Win with F. D. R., Jr.
Win with F. D. R. Jr.
Bust of President Franklin D. Roosevelt by sculptress Mrs. Ruth Yates, cast in pewter by Henry Hope
Politics - Tammany Hall [Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. and Suzanne Perrin Roosevelt.]
Roosevelt for Ex-President
Roosevelt? No! No! 1000 Times No!
Rotten Eggs With Roosevelt, Omelettes With Willkie
Willkie for President - Roosevelt for Ex-President
Roosevelt For Ex-President
[Al Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt.]
We Don't Want Eleanor Either
Papa: "I Wanna Be a Captain Too"
Elect the Demotractic Ticket - Vote Row B;
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"I'm for Harmony, Gentlemen."
[Franklin D. Roosevelt.]