Battalion Soldier, 34th Regiment.
Officer. 20th Regiment.
Battalion Soldier, 31st Regiment.
Battalion Soldier, 62nd Regiment.
Battalion Corporal 53rd Regiment.
Battaion Soldier, 33rd Battalion.
Soldier, 26th Regiment.
Grenadier Company Soldier, 47th Reigment.
Officer, 29th Regiment.
British Regiments, Ticonderoga, 1758 - 1777.
Fifer - 1st New York Regt. - McDougall's Fort. Ti - January 1776.
Matross - New York Artillery - Lambs Fort Ti - 15 September 1775.
Color Sergeant - 2nd New Hampshire. - Poor's Fort Ti - 20 July 1776.
Corporal - 6th Penna. Bn - Irvine's Fort Ti - 29 November 1776.
Scout - 6th Continentals, Mass. - Whitcomb's Rangers Fort Ti - January 1777.
Captain of the Guard - 14th Conn. Regt - Burrell's Fort Ti - 8 January 1777.
Drummer - 2nd Canadian Regt. - Congress's Own Fort Ti - 20 July 1776.