In Grateful Remembrance by the City of New York on the 25th Anniversary of the War With Spain
I Own a Liberty Bond
Third Liberty Loan - Volunteer
War Savings Service - W.S.S.
Spanish-American War campaign hat in khaki wool felt with metal insignia, E Troop, 1st Cavalry
Third Liberty Loan
United War Work Campaign - 7
Equal Franchise For New York 1915
Admiral Geo. Dewey, Hero of Manila
War with Spain. Parting with his mother.
Admiral George Dewey
Delegate - First Democratic City Convention - Greater New York - Sept. 30th 1897
For Congress - 4th Dist. Edw. R. Gilman
One of 400
Ye Olde Mill - Coney Island;
[Portrait of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.]
Underwood Unequalled
Odell Higgins
Our Platform 16 to 1 Will Sweep the Nation - High Admiral Cigarette