Javits - For Attorney General;
For Mayor - Geo. B. M'Clellan
[Grace M. Mayer.]
Dinner in honor of Honorable Julius M. Mayer given by Mr. James Joseph Lyons
Elect Javits Attorney General;
[Grace M. Mayer with an unidentified man.]
Grace Mayer
For Comptroller Edward M. Grout
Portrait of Grace Mayer
Democrats for Keating
For Mayor - Edward M. Shepard
For Mayor Edward M. Shepard
Untitled [Grace Mayer, former curator at MCNY, at a party.]
National Democratic Party - For President John M. Palmer - For Vice President Simon R. Buckner - For Governor Daniel G. Griffin - For Lieu't - Governor Fred'k W. Hinrichs
[Sophie Tucker and two unidentified men at Louis B. Mayer's birthday party.]
[Bill Koenig and Sophie Tucker at Louis B. Mayer's birthday party.]