For President of the Board of Aldermen - Alfred E. Smith
For Governor, Theodore Roosevelt
[Unidentified campaign button.]
[Portrait of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.]
Col. Theodore Roosevelt
4th Annual Staff Dinner - Holland Tunnel
Odell Higgins
For Congress - William N. Runyon
Re-Elect Ruth Pratt for Congress, 17th District
Tammany Hall 7th Assembly Dist. for Mayor William J. Gaynor
Elect Santangelo for Congress;
Bella Abzug for Congress
Let's Take Back City Hall on November 4th
General Reception Committee, Pan-American Congress of Journalists
For District Attorney Wm. Travers Jerome
Delegate - First Democratic City Convention - Greater New York - Sept. 30th 1897
For Congress Herbert Parsons
Centennial Celebration - Robert Fulton
Joseph T. Fanning
Lowenstein for Congress