For a Clean City Government - Brush
Al Stabile City Council
Help Harold Score More
Help Make Harold Mayor;
Leadership + A United Membership = Vote The Hall Team
Vote for Robinson for Boro President;
Let's Take Back City Hall on November 4th
For Mayor Wm J. Gaynor - Vote Under the Shovel
Vote Row C - Make Marcantonio Mayor - American Labor Party
Tuesday November 7 - Lowenstein - Vote Column "D"
Citizens Committee - Wagner - Gerosa - Stark - Vote Row B;
David Weprin for City Council
Vote Harriman Roosevelt CIO
Elect the Demotractic Ticket - Vote Row B;
Vote Under This Emblem. Then Get Seth Low Elected
Vote Fusion and You'll Vote as YOU Wish.
Free New York City
Re-Elect Padava State Senator