The Declaration Committee.
Declaration of Independence.
Seals of the Thirteen States Which Declared the Independance
The New-York Federal Table as seen from Bunker Hill.
Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia - July 4, 1776.
The Manner in which the American Colonies Declared themselves Independant of the King of England, throughout the different Provinces on July 4, 1776.
Independence Hall, Philadelphia 1776.
The Declaration of Independence.
B.P.O.E. U.S.A.
[Noisemaker for Pilgrims of the United States event.]
36th Anniversary Entertainment & Reception of Magnolia Lodge, 166, I.O.O.F.
Odd Fellows.
Grand United Order of Odd - Fellows Chart.
Floor Committee
To the President of the United States.
Plaid Brooch Worn by Nance O'Neil in the Role of Lady Macbeth
Organized Charity. At "Caroline Rest" A.I.C.P.
[Certificate of payment to the fund for the erection of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.]