The Dood [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Dood TRC [Page in TRC's piece book.]
The Real Crew [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
True II TRC [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
DAR! Disco Dee [Page from sketchbook owned by TRC and Delta II.]
SK! [Page in sketchbook belonging to Delta II and TRC.]
Glitter [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
[Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Magic [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Ex-Vandals [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
SAK Is Back [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Brian [Page in sketchbook owned by TRC and Delta II.]
BYB Bad Yard Boys [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
DAR [Page in sketchbook owned by TRC and Delta II.]
Hot Love In a Cold World [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Train Damage [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Vulcan "Doin' the Dirty Deed" [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
[Page in TRC's piece book.]
[Page in sketchbook belonging to Delta II.]