Hook and Ladder Truck and Parade N.Y. City
We're Entitled to Better than That!
North Bellmore Hook, Ladder and Engine Co. No. 1 - North Bellmore, L.I. N.Y.
"We Saw you at Delmonico's"
"We Know We're Good."
Union Square, looking North, N.Y. City.
Bloomingdale Hospital, White Plains, N. Y.
Union Square, N.Y.
"We're Liberal - Ain't We Buddy?"
Now We're Getting Somewhere.
Union Square N.Y.
Hook and Ladder No. 60, Jackson Ave.. L.I. City N.Y.
Our Platform 16 to 1 Will Sweep the Nation - High Admiral Cigarette
Hook and Ladder in Action
Hook and Ladder in Action.
"Sit Down - We're Not Through."
[Portrait of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.]
Exhibition of Ladder Raising. F.D., N.Y. City
[Hook and Ladder Co. 2.]
Union Square, looking North, N. Y. City.