The Elks' Lodge Room, J.C.
The Elks' Hall, J.C.
The Elks' Club Room, J.C.
[Thank-you letter to J. Stevens, Esq.]
Odd Fellows.
Inside U.S.A.
Inside U.S.A. Play
"A.B.C.'s of the U.S.A."
The Darktown Fire Brigade - To the Rescue!
Welcome Admiral Geo. Dewey U.S.N.
1940 National Reunion of the Society of the Fifth Division U.S.A.
Hotel Lexington. Lexington Avenue at Forty-Eighth Street, New York City
Revere Room Hotel Lexington New York
U.S.S. "New York", 1892.
Bowling Green, 1860
[Robert Fulton.]