New York World's Fair 1940 [Package for the New York World's Fair 1940 postcards.]
New York City Building, New York World's Fair
The New York World's Fair 1939
The New York World
Grant's Tomb and Claremont, New York.
Hudson River and Grant's Tomb, New York City.
The Morning Papers
An Information Booth, New York World's Fair
Riverside Drive, from Hudson River Near Eighty-sixth Street, New York.
How the New York's World Fair Looks, from the Painting by John Wenrich
Tulip Gardens in Rose Court, New York World's Fair
George Washington Statue as seen through a Garland of Flags, New York's World's Fair
Museum of the City of New York
The Stadthuys of New York in 1679
Heinz Dome, New York World's Fair
Play Streets for Children - Evening World
Trylon and Perisphere, New York World's Fair
Music Hall, New York World's Fair
[Coupon for Traphagen, Hunter and Co. 398, 400, 402 Bowery.]