I Sell The World New York for One Cent
I Own a Liberty Bond
Grant Monument, Riverside Drive, New York
Delegate - First Democratic City Convention - Greater New York - Sept. 30th 1897
One of 400
Equal Franchise For New York 1915
The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. Souvenir of Pilgrimage
Divided by Nature, United for Mutual Welfare. The Port of New York
For President of the Board of Aldermen - Alfred E. Smith
Knights of the Golden Eagle
Our Platform 16 to 1 Will Sweep the Nation - High Admiral Cigarette
In Grateful Remembrance by the City of New York on the 25th Anniversary of the War With Spain
A Memorial to Friendly Cooperation Between States - New Jersey - New York
Underwood Unequalled
For Congress - 4th Dist. Edw. R. Gilman
Col. Theodore Roosevelt
Joseph T. Fanning
Centennial Celebration - Robert Fulton
[Portrait of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.]