Crusaders [Pages in TRC's piece book.]
DEZ [Page in COSE TDS's black book.]
Nasty Spade [19?] Years Old... [Page in sketchbook owned by TRC and Delta II.]
Delta 2 [Page in TRC's piece book.]
DAR TRC [Page in TRC's piece book.]
Merry Christmas TRC City [Page in TRC's piece book.]
[Page in TRC's piece book.]
XOITIC [Page in TRC's piece book.]
DAR [Page in TRC's piece book.]
And You Know It's "Good to Be the King" [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
Dood TRC [Page in TRC's piece book.]
DAR TRC King [Page in TRC's piece book.]
DAR TFA [Page in TRC's piece book.]
[Page in TDS's piece book.]
Dizzy [Page in TRC's piece book.]
Delta 2 KA Prez [Page in TRC's piece book.]
TRC The Real Crew [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]