"Quick as a Flash" Radio Show - Aunt Jemima Sponsor [Woman dressed as Aunt Jemima speaking into a microphone.]
Standard of the World Smoking Tobacco. J.R. Day & Bro.
"Quick as a Flash" Radio Show - Aunt Jemima Sponsor [Women at a microphone.]
As Kind as a Kitten
[Two Souls With But a Single Thought.]
The Opium Smokers
Draft of "Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People"
As Kind as a Kitten.
[Celluloid collars and cuffs.]
"Time Flies"
The Boss of the Road.
Injured Innocence
Clark's O.N.T. Spool Cotton
J. & P. Coats
"Run down"
A Ride With the Dutchess [Adams' Yellow Kid Chewing Gum.]