The Federal Theatre Project 891 presents "The Cradle Will Rock".
Audience survey questionnaire for "It Can't Happen Here".
" third of a nation".
The Republican National Committee
"Awake and Sing!"
A National Apprehension and a National Opportunity
Even He Must Feel Ashamed of the Executive Director.
National Academy of Design, XXII Annual Exhibition
National Academy of the Arts of Design
National Institute of Social Sciences - Dignus Honore - Alfred E. Smith
U.S.O. Hostess
Police Athletic League
Republican State Convention
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.
[Michal Gorrin and Goldie Rosler in "Drought" by Hallie Flanagan.]
Usher - Bryan Reception
The Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal
Arthur Murray Studios--USO Hostess Dancing