The Federal Theatre Project 891 presents "The Cradle Will Rock".
Audience survey questionnaire for "It Can't Happen Here".
" third of a nation".
The Republican National Committee
A National Apprehension and a National Opportunity
"Awake and Sing!"
Even He Must Feel Ashamed of the Executive Director.
National Academy of the Arts of Design
National Academy of Design, XXII Annual Exhibition
National Institute of Social Sciences - Dignus Honore - Alfred E. Smith
Republican State Convention
The Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal
U.S.O. Hostess
Arthur Murray Studios--USO Hostess Dancing
[Michal Gorrin and Goldie Rosler in "Drought" by Hallie Flanagan.]
Usher - Bryan Reception
Police Athletic League
Federal Pap.
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.