Crane's Dairies and Restaurants
Lord & Taylor
Sweets Restaurant
Chrisa II Restaurant, Inc.
Chanucka Celebration of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of the City of New York
Major's Cement Is Good
Robert Chapman & Co.
B.M. Cowperthwait & Co.
Edwd. Schulze's Restaurant
Wm. Stentzel, Jeweler
Henderson & Stoutenborough
Ira Perego, Importer & Manufacturer of Gentlmens Fine Furnishing Goods
Read's Grand Duchess Cologne
Lucaa, Hotel & Restaurant
Piemonte Restaurant
Philip Hussla, Bairische Bier Halle
Ovington Brothers' Announcement of New Importations
E. G. Blackford
On Dec. 4, 1783, Washington, in Fraunce's Tavern, at the corner of Pearl and Broad Streets, formally bade farewell to his officers before proceeding to Annapolis to resign his commission.