First appearance this season of Mr. Lester Wallack in his own five-act drama, "Rosedale", Monday evening, November 13, 1871
Tuesday, October 3, tenth night of the new and original drama by Tom Taylor, Esq., entitled "The Serf"
Thursday evening, September 17, 1874, will be presented the serio-comic drama in three acts, written expressly for Mr. Toole by H. J. Byron, entitled "Dearer Than Life"
Tuesday, February 13, 1866, benefit of Mr. J. W. Wallack. First time this season, "The Iron Mask"
Monday, January 29, 1866, will be given for the second time in two years, Sheridan's sterling comedy of "The Rivals; or, A Trip to Bath"
"The Colleen Bawn", Tuesday, August 8, 1864
Wednesday, January 31, first time this season, Boucicault's charming comedy, "The Irish Heiress"
Benefit of Mr. Moss, Treasurer. Two comedies never acted here, "Follies of a Night" and "Sweethearts and Wives", Saturday, April 18, 1863
This Friday evening, November 3, 1871, will be presented for the fifth time in many years, Mrs. Centlivre's admirable comedy, "The Busybody"
Friday evening, November 6, 1874, Mr. Lester Wallack's and Mr. Pierrepont Edwards' adaptation from Octave Feuillet's great drama, "The Romance of a Poor Young Man"
Saturday, November 14, 1874, first night of "The Shaughraun"
Monday and Tuesday evenings, January 26 and 27, 1663 [1863], the operatic drama in three acts, "The Pet of the Petticoats"
Tonight, the entirely new drama, in five acts and seven tableaux, "The Poor of New York"
The new drama, adapted from the French by Mr. George Hoey, "A Child of the State", every evening at 8, and Saturday matinee at 1:30, for the week ending May 8, 1880
Miss Agnes Robertson and Mr. Dion Boucicault in "Victor and Hortense", Wednesday, August 27, 1856
Wallack's, corner of Broadway and 13th Street. Opening of the new theater. Tonight, a new comedy by Tom Taylor in three acts, entitled "The New President"
Monday, March 9, 1863, benefit night of Miss Fanny Morant. Two pieces never acted here, "The Wonderful Woman" and "Blue & Cherry"
Grand complimentary testimonial to Mr. Dan Bryant, Thursday evening, May 19, 1864. The performance will commence with the beautiful little drama in one act, of "The Old Guard"
A new and original comedy in three acts, entitled "Our Girls", every evening during the week ending November 15, 1879
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25