Broad Street, N.Y.C.
Financial District N.Y.C.
Old Trinity Church, N.Y.C.
N.Y.C. [New York City Police Aide.]
N.Y.C. P.C. [New York City Police Aide.]
Madison Square Garden N.Y.C.
Where the Bowery Meets Chinatown N.Y.C.
Near the Lake in Central Park, N.Y.C.
Public School No. 123. Ridgewood, Brooklyn. N.Y.
Yellow Taxi Co's Garage. #426 East 61st St. N.Y.C.
Janice Shops 167 West 34th St. N.Y.C.
Plaza Hotel, overlooking Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, N.Y.C.
Washington Irving's House. Irving Place, N.Y.
N.W. Cor. 173rd St. & Topping Ave. N.Y.C.
Borden's Farm Products Company. 90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y.C. Bergen St. Front
Auditorium, De Witt Clinton High School, N.Y.
Lower East River Front, N.Y.
Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
Madison Square Garden, N. Y. C.
Union Square, N.Y. City.