[Yachson, Jacobs and Pearlman.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami.]
[Lillie Feinman.]
[Samuel Goldenberg.]
[Misha Gehrman.]
[Sylvia Hoffman Regan Ellstein.]
[Maurice Schwartz and William Rolland.]
[David Licht with child actress.]
[Ben Bonus from Farband Theatrical Caravan.]
[Maurice Schwartz.]
[Producer and director George Abbott, Neysa McMein, and playwrights Kenneth Simpson and John Baragwanath watching a rehearsal for "All That Glitters".]
[Dovid Licht, Mordechai Yachson and others from Folksbiene.]
[Joseph Green.]
[Jacob Jacobs and Nathan Goldberg.]
[Nahum Meyer Shaikevich.]
[John Cromwell as Mathew Dibble in "Devils".]