[Noach Nachbush with schoolchildren.]
[Sidor Belarsky, Noach Nachbush and Shulman.]
[Noach Nachbush, Genia Nadin Manger and Isaac Lichtenstein.]
[Sidor Belarsky and Noach Nachbush at a party at Sam and Lilly Ostroff's house.]
[Members of the Vilna Troupe.]
[Maurice Schwartz and William Rolland.]
[Matisyahu Kovalsky.]
[Drawing of Yitskhok Leybush Peretz.]
[Marvin Schwartz.]
[Goldstein and Jacob Jacobs in an unidentified production.]
[The first executive committee of the "kunst ring".]
[Seymour Rexite and Aaron Lebedeff with an unidentified woman.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami in "The Man With a Portfolio".]
[David Kessler and Berta Gersten in an unidentified production.]
["The Man With the Portfolio" theater still.]
[Joshua Zeldis.]
[Chaim Schneur in an unidentified production.]
[Aaron Lebedeff in a wedding scene with a reluctant bride in an unidentified production.]
[Helen Blay in "60,000 Heroes".]