[Bella Bellarina.]
[Bella Bellarina and Sabi with an unidentified man.]
[Bella Bellarina in unidentified production.]
[Bella Bellarina in an unidentified production.]
[Bella Bellarina in "We Have Shared".]
[Bella Bellarina with an unidentified actor.]
[Bella Bellarina in "Day and Night".]
[Bella Bellarina and Lazar Fried in "The Dybbuk".]
[Bella Bellarina and Maurice Schwartz in "King Saul".]
[Strassberg and Isaac Lichtenstein.]
[Yachson, Jacobs and Pearlman.]
[Isaac Lichtenstein, Elisa Greenblatt and the Shapiros with others at an outdoor party.]
[Sonia Orange, Horowitz, Lilly Ostroff, Isaac Lichtenstein, Aliza Greenblatt, and Sam Ostroff at the Atran House.]
[Saul Raskin and Isaac Lichtenstein at a museum.]
[Solomon Shapiro surrounded by his friends at a dinner party.]
["Green Fields" theater still.]
["Day and Night" theater still.]