[Sidor Belarsky, Noach Nachbush and Shulman.]
[Noach Nachbush.]
[Noach Nachbush with schoolchildren.]
[Noach Nachbush, Genia Nadin Manger and Isaac Lichtenstein.]
[Sonia Orange, Horowitz, Lilly Ostroff, Isaac Lichtenstein, Aliza Greenblatt, and Sam Ostroff at the Atran House.]
[Members of the Vilna Troupe.]
[Isaac Lichtenstein with Sam and Lilly Ostroff at the Jewish Museum.]
[Lillie Feinman and Ludwig Satz.]
[Nelly Kessman and Jacob Jacobs.]
[Leo Fuchs and Miriam Kressyn.]
[Solomon Shapiro surrounded by his friends at a dinner party.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami at a construction site.]
[Seymour Rexite and Aaron Lebedeff with an unidentified woman.]
Mary Dowell (Stuttering Sam) Party
[Lillie Feinman.]
[Zvee Scooler as a gold prospector for a commercial.]
[Group at Unity House.]
[Zvee Scooler as an immigrant for a commercial.]
[Margaret Truman at a party.]
[Berta Gersten and Maurice Schwartz in an unidentified production.]