[Saul Raskin and Isaac Lichtenstein at a museum.]
[Strassberg and Isaac Lichtenstein.]
[Isaac Lichtenstein, Elisa Greenblatt and the Shapiros with others at an outdoor party.]
[Sonia Orange, Horowitz, Lilly Ostroff, Isaac Lichtenstein, Aliza Greenblatt, and Sam Ostroff at the Atran House.]
[Isaac Lichtenstein with Sam and Lilly Ostroff at the Jewish Museum.]
[Noach Nachbush, Genia Nadin Manger and Isaac Lichtenstein.]
[Abraham Shulman and Bella Bellarina.]
[Yachson, Jacobs and Pearlman.]
[Vera Rosanko at a testimonial in her honor.]
[Dinah Goldberg in a musical at age 11.]
[Unidentified actor.]
[Menasha Skulnik.]
[Fela Biro.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami.]
[Menasha Skulnik in "The Baby Sitter".]
[Sylvia Hoffman Regan Ellstein.]
[Menasha Skulnik as a milkman.]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]
[Mayor John P. O'Brien speaking at a Tammany Hall event.]
[Artef collective.]