Molly Picon
[Irving Jacobson and Molly Picon in "The Kosher Widow".]
[Molly Picon.]
Molly Picon "Jankele" [Molly Picon in the title role of "Yankele".]
[Irving Jacobson in an unidentified production.]
[Irving Jacobson as a bullfighter in an unidentified production.]
[Molly Picon in "Yankele".]
[Seymour Rexite and Molly Picon with a group of unidentified people.]
[Irving Jacobson and Leo Fuchs in an unidentified production.]
[Molly Picon in "Jolly Orphan".]
[Molly Picon and Aaron Lebedeff in "My Little Molly".]
[Molly Picon in "Circus Girl".]
[Molly Picon in the title role of "Shmendrik".]
[Irving Jacobson and Mae Shoenfeld.]
[Abraham Ellstein on South African tour with Molly Picon.]
[Molly Picon in "The Girl of Yesterday".]
[Molly Picon and Muni Serebroff in "Here Runs the Bride".]