[Joanne Borts, Bruce Adler, Phyllis Berk, Marc Krause, Neva Small and Avi Hoffman in "The Golden Land".]
["The Golden Land" theater still.]
"You Have, You Give, You Live" [Music for "The Golden Land".]
["Bronx Express" theater still.]
[Berta Gersten and Maurice Schwartz in "The Golden Chain".]
[Lea Rosen and Lazar Fried in "The Chalk Circle.]
["The Chalk Circle" theater still.]
"The Golden Land" ["Dos goldene land".]
"The Golden Land"
[Jacob Jacobs and Katie Kaplan in "The Wedding Dress".]
"The Great Fortune"
[Pesach Burstein and Lillian Lux in "My Mama the General".]
[Lillian Lux and Pesach Burstein in "My Mama the General".]
[Lillian Lux, Pesach Burstein, Baruch Blum, Gerri Ann Frank and other cast members in "My Mama the General".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami and unidentified actress in "Life Marches On".]
[Zypora Spaisman, Harry Rubin and Anna France in "The Sage of Rottenburg".]
[Joseph Sheingold and Leah Naomi in "Life Marches On".]
["The Lottery" theater still.]
["The Girl From Lublin" theater still.]