[Taylor Holmes.]
["Tobacco Road" theater stills.]
[Taylor Holmes as Sheridan Whiteside and Mary Stevenson in an unidentified role in "The Man Who Came to Dinner".]
[Romo Vincent as Bratfisch, Luba Malina as Countess Landovska and Taylor Holmes as Count Lobkowitz in "Marinka".]
[Laurette Taylor.]
[Joseph Phillips as Henri, Clara Palmer as Claudine and Taylor Holmes as Marcel Durand in "Oh, I Say!".]
[Marjorie Wood and Taylor Holmes in "The Third Party".]
[Marjorie Wood, Richard Temple and Taylor Holmes in "The Third Party".]
[Bayard Taylor.]
[Royal Beal as Major Southworth, Taylor Holmes as Commander Southworth and Ann Shoemaker as Lizzie Southworth in "Woman Bites Dog".]
Bayard Taylor