Plan of Basement Story. Plan of Principal Story.
[Floor plan.]
[Plans for an attic story, second story, cellar story and first story.]
[Building facade and floor plan.]
Plans of the Baptist Church Amity St.
Plan and Chancel End of the Baptist Church in Amity St. N.Y.
[Church floorplan.]
Designed for a house for J. Meinell Esq - To be built on Long Island near Oyster Bay drawn 8 feet to one inch August 1835
Type Plan of Commerical Tenement Houses
[Facade of a house.]
Plan for the Principal Stairs to W. Coster's House to be of Marble the Story is 13 feet high, 24 rifers 7 3/8 and 1/8 inch over
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 75 x 100 Ft. [Tenement housing plan.]
[Four tenement housing plans drawn for the Tenement House Commission, State of New York.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "B". [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 50 x 100 Ft. Type "A". [Tenement housing plan.]
U.S. Post Office. First floor plan.