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Fire Lines - N. Y. F. D. - 1467 - Gherardi Davis

Fire Lines - N. Y. F. D. - 1467 - Gherardi Davis

New York Fire Department - Gherardi Davis - Fire Lines No. 522

New York Fire Department - Gherardi Davis - Fire Lines No. 522

[F.D.N.Y. fire wagon.]

[F.D.N.Y. fire wagon.]

N. Y. F. D. 37

N. Y. F. D. 37

[F.D.N.Y.'s High Pressure Company.]

[F.D.N.Y.'s High Pressure Company.]

Horses in the N.Y.F.D.

Horses in the N.Y.F.D.

Chief Worth 3rd Battalion, N.Y. F.D. 1908

Chief Worth 3rd Battalion, N.Y. F.D. 1908

Fire Patrol N.Y.C.

Fire Patrol N.Y.C.

Water Tower N.Y. Fire Dept.

Water Tower N.Y. Fire Dept.

William E. Lawrence Jr. Chief 47th Battalion  N.Y.F.D.

William E. Lawrence Jr. Chief 47th Battalion N.Y.F.D.

N.Y. Fire Boat at Drill

N.Y. Fire Boat at Drill

20 Truck - N.Y. Fire Dept. 1908

20 Truck - N.Y. Fire Dept. 1908

Testimonial Dinner to the members of Engine Company 20 F.D.N.Y.

Testimonial Dinner to the members of Engine Company 20 F.D.N.Y.

Exhibition of Ladder Raising. F.D., N.Y. City

Exhibition of Ladder Raising. F.D., N.Y. City

"The Alarm" Fire Dept. N.Y. City

"The Alarm" Fire Dept. N.Y. City

[Men reading a publication of the F.D.N.Y.]

[Men reading a publication of the F.D.N.Y.]

Exhibition of Water Tower and street pipes action. F. D, N. Y. City.

Exhibition of Water Tower and street pipes action. F. D, N. Y. City.

[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]

[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]

20 Truck, N.Y. 08

20 Truck, N.Y. 08

By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12

By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12

Fire Lines N. Y. F. D. - 1275 - Gherardi Davis

Accession number 41.411.10 
Unique identifier MNY281915 
Description No Admittance to Buildings. 
Dated ca. 1905 
Object Type badge
Physical dimensions H: 2 1/2 in, W: 2 1/4 in 
Medium metal
File dimensions 16.1 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
40.9 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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