Landing of Gen. Lafayette. At Castle Garden, New York. 16th August 1784.
Evacuation of New York, Nov. 25, 1783.
Erie Canal Celebration, New York, November 4th, 1825.
Landing of General Lafayette at Castle Garden, August 16, 1824.
Lafayette, the friend of Washington, was received with popular demonstrations of affection wherever he went.
George Dewey.
Alexander Hamilton and "The Grange"
Lafayette, as Commander-in-Chief of the National Guards of France, 1789.
Debarkment of French Relief Troops. Rhode Island July 11, 1780.
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Layafette
Aaron Burr.
Ms. De La Fayette
La Fayette
A South East Prospect of the City of New York in 1756-7 with the French Prizes at Anchor