[Plan of a remodelled old law tenement house.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "A" [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 75 x 100 Ft. [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 50 x 100 Ft. Type "A". [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 50 x 100 Ft. Type "B". [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "B". [Tenement housing plan.]
[Floor plan.]
[Architectural rendering of the side of a house.]
Tenement House on Lot 100 Ft. x 100 Ft. Plan of Second Floor
Tenement House on Lot 25 Ft. x 100 Ft. Plan of Second Floor
Old Law Tenements
Typical floor plan [for an] apartment house in Jackson Heights, dated August 7, 1916.
Tenement House Commission. Typical East Side Block "short view".
Types of Tenement House Plans As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Principal Story Plan of Gilbert's House