New York Welcomes the Hero - Sept. 28-30 1899
Souvenir - Welcome Hero of Manila - Admiral Dewey
Welcome - The Nation's Hero Admiral Geo. Dewey
New York Welcomes the Hero
Hero of Manila - Ad'l G. Dewey. Welcome Home
Souvenir - Reception - Admiral Dewey Sept. 28- 29, 1899 New York
The Hero of Manila
Dewey Celebration - Sept. 28-30 1899 - New York
Welcome - Admiral Geo. Dewey
Admiral Geo. Dewey - Hero of Manila
Souvenir - Admiral George Dewey
Welcome Home
Admiral Geo. Dewey, Hero of Manila
The Two Most Popular People on the Earth Find the Other One
Admiral Geo. Dewey Hero of Manila
[Admiral George Dewey.]
[Admiral Dewey.]
Grand Reception to the Nation's Hero Admiral George Dewey
Municipal Committee. Reception of Admiral Dewey by the City of New York