News Boys Union Square New York
[East Side Street Market]
[Hot Corn Man. At Fulton Ferry]
Hot Corn at Fulton Ferry
Skating in Central Park, New York.
Madison Ave. [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Wrecked schooner sketched off New Dorp, Staten Island on Lower Bay
[View from No. 1 Broadway, looking uptown]
Removal Notice, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Perard to 1 West 67 Street, New York City, SUsquehanna 7-6600.
The Fishing Pier N.Y. Living in Hope
[Brooklyn Bridge at Twilight]
Bridge Over East River at Astoria
The dumps opposite Blackwells Island, about 56th St.
The Day Before the Great Naval Review - the Fleet Passing Castle William on its Way up the Hudson
Greenwich Village Night Club
Canal Boats Near South Street NY
Sunday Morning, NY Beach. Coney
Museum of Natural History, Central Park, N.Y.