Type Plan of Commerical Tenement Houses
Tenement House on Lot 25 Ft. x 100 Ft. Plan of Second Floor
Tenement House on Lot 100 Ft. x 100 Ft. Plan of Second Floor
Type of Fifty Foot Corner Tenement House Plan As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 50 x 100 Ft. Type "A". [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "B". [Tenement housing plan.]
Type of Twenty-Five Foot Tenement House Plan As Adapted to Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 50 x 100 Ft. Type "B". [Tenement housing plan.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "A" [Tenement housing plan.]
[Four tenement housing plans drawn for the Tenement House Commission, State of New York.]
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 75 x 100 Ft. [Tenement housing plan.]
Types of Tenement House Plans As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Modification of Plan No. 9 [Tenement housing plan.]
Tenement 50.0 Unit [Tenement housing plan.]
Principal Story Plan of Gilbert's House
Type of Fifty Foot Tenement House Plan As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Type of Seventy-Five Foot Tenement House Plan As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Typical Floor Plan. 2 Flat Apartment House. Lot 25' x 100'
[Floor plan showing entrance, hallway, parlor and dining room.]