[Inside of a church.]
[Church facade.]
Designed for a house for J. Meinell Esq - To be built on Long Island near Oyster Bay drawn 8 feet to one inch August 1835
[Facade of a house.]
Plans, Elevation Sections and Details of a Hall Door
Plan and Chancel End of the Baptist Church in Amity St. N.Y.
House 301 Mulberry St.
Amity St. Church
[Design for chair and fire screen.]
[Architectural drawing.]
[Building facade and floor plan.]
[Floor plan.]
Plan for the entrance doors for the two houses on Bleecker Street
Plan of Stairs Designed for Washing Costers House, Corner of Bleecker & Thompson St to be Built of Italian Marble February 2th 1838 By Samuel Dunbar Architect & Builder, 3/4 inch to one foot