Plan of the Auditorium, Church of the Incarnation
Churches, Church of the Incarnation.
Church of the Incarnation and the G. Percy Silver Memorial Tower.
Church of the Incarnation. Madison Avenue at Thirty - fifth Street, New York City.
Plaza Theatre
Church of Saint John Baptist N.Y.
New Manhattan Opera House
Park Avenue [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
[522 Third Avenue]
Park Avenue and 35th Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
Garrick Theatre
The Little Church Around the Corner, New York City
Lexington Ave. [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Ridgewood Theatre
The Yiddish Art Theatre
[St. Michael's Church.]
Madison Avenue Baptist's Church, Pastor Moor's Congregation Loyal.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
West End Theatre and Hurting and Seamon's - Apollo 125th Street Theatre