[Lots for sale in Crotona Park East, Bronx.]
[Lots for sale in Longwood, Bronx.]
Map of the Sturges Property on Southern Boulevard and Boston Road, containing 335 lots
[Lots for sale in the Upper West Side.]
Map of Part of the City of New York, Showing the Location of the Fox Estate
[Lots for sale in East Harlem.]
[Map of 205 Choice Lots Belonging to the Heirs of James Punnett, Situated in the 24th Ward of New York City]
[Lots for sale in Harlem.]
[Lots for sale in Boerum Hill.]
Map of 43 Superb Lots to be sold at auction by James L. Wells, Auctioneer, Thursday April 18, 1889 at 12 o'clock Noon at the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room, 59 to 65 Liberty Street, New York
Crotona Park,Tilford Stone for New Road [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]