Our Governor - B. B. Odell Jr.
B. B. Odell, Jr.
[B. B. Odell, Jr.]
[Benjamin Odell with an unidentified candidate.]
Odell Higgins
[Theodore Roosevelt, B. B. Odell. Jr., and William McKinley.]
Dinner to Gov. Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.
Republican County Committee
For Mayor Col. Geo. B. McClellan
National Democratic Party - For President John M. Palmer - For Vice President Simon R. Buckner - For Governor Daniel G. Griffin - For Lieu't - Governor Fred'k W. Hinrichs
For Mayor - Geo. B. M'Clellan
Republican Worker - For Mayor, Benj. F. Tracy
For Mayor of Greater New York Benj. F. Tracy
For Mayor of Greater New York. Benjamin F. Tracy.
For Governor - Theodore Roosevelt
For Governor, Theodore Roosevelt;
Theodore Roosevelt for Governor 1898
For Assembly George B. Agnew
For Governor Alfred E. Smith