U.B.C. Reception
Pro Juventute - U.B.C.B.S.
N.Y.C. Federation of Women's Clubs
Teamwork - T.W.U. Local 100 - for a Fair and Just Contract
First Annual Ball of the Dart Boat Club
Second Annual Ball of the Manhattan Boat Club
[J. Frederic Tams.]
U.S.S. "New York", 1892.
Local Biennial Board - G.F.W.C. Mrs. Belle De Rivera
N. Y. A. C.
[R. B. Stinson boat.]
Mr. A. W. Kiddle
Third Annual Ball of the W. W. Woodworth Boat Club
[Fifteen-day honorary membership for Charles Thomas Mills, Delegate to the Peace Conference, to the Union Club.]
"A.B.C.'s of the U.S.A."
U. S. S. "Joseph Henry", Cable Boat
Farewell Dinner tendered to Commendatore Emanuele Grazzi Consul General of Italy