Owner's bedroom [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Daughter's bedroom [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Library [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Dining room [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Entrance hall [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Front parlor facing 40th Street [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Front parlor, library in background [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Mrs. I. Wormser Jr.'s Residence, 26 West 54th St. Bedroom
[West 40th Street.]
General F. Halsey Residence. 22 West 53rd Street N.Y.C. Monsieur's bedroom
General F. Halsey Residence. 22 West 53rd Street N.Y.C. Madame's bedroom
40 East 68th Street [Bedroom.]
[108 West 40th Street.]
Mrs. Samuel Borchard's Residence, 349 West 86th Street, City. Bedroom
Mr. Arnold L. Scheuer's Residence 2 East 80th Street. Bedroom