Hundred-and-seventh Dinner of Ye Twilight Club
Twelfth Season 227th Dinner of Ye Twilight Club
Ninety-fourth Dinner of Ye Twilight Club
Fifty-Eighth Dinner of Ye Twilight Club.
Jas. G. Johnson
W. F. Tway, Pianos and Organs
Seventh Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
Bachelor Club Fourth Season
[Reception in honor of the centennial of the organization of Lafayette Engine Company No. 19.]
Maison Demorest Reliable Patterns
Wilcox & White, Improved Organs
Theatre, Keith's Union Square, 14th Street.
The New York Yacht Club Requests the Honor of Your Presence at Dinner in Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Club
Annual Dinner of the Church Club of the City of New York
Union Square
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.