[Robert Shackleton as Lt. Karl and Gloria Story as Liane in the pre-Broadway tryout of "Sweethearts".]
[Mark Dawson as A Herald in "By Jupiter".]
[Jane Kean as Wynne and Mark Dawson as Lt. Bill Kelley in "Ankles Aweigh".]
[Lew Parker as Dinky, Jane Kean as Wynne, Betty Kean as Elsey, and Mark Dawson as Lt. Bill Kelley in "Ankles Aweigh".]
[Mark Dawson as A Herald, Ronald Graham as Theseus, and Ralph Dumke as Hercules in "By Jupiter".]
["Sweethearts" theater still.]
[Bobby Clark as Mikel Mikeloviz in "Sweethearts".]
[Bobby Clark and the daughters of "Sweethearts".]
[Bobby Clark and the ballet ensemble of "Sweethearts".]
[Bobby Clark and one of the ballet dancers in "Sweethearts".]
[Bobby Clark as Mikel Mikeloviz and Marjorie Gateson as Dame Lucy in "Sweethearts".]
[Marjorie Gateson as Dame Lucy and Bobby Clark as Mikel Mikeloviz in "Sweethearts".]
[Villetta Russell in the pre-Broadway tryout of "Sing Out, Sweet Land".]