Annual Dinner of the First Panel, Sheriff's Jury
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
The Life Insurance Association of New-York 3d Annual Dinner
Annual Banquet of the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited)
New England Society in the City of New York Annual Dinner
The First Panel Sheriff's Jury Annual Dinner
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Shefiff's Jury
Fourth Annual Dinner of the American Asiatic Association
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Saint Nicholas Society Tasting Dinner
Dinner of the New-York Graduates of Yale University
Stamped Ware Manufacturers Assn. of the United States December Meeting
Twefth Annual Dinner of the Canadian Society of New York
Sixth Annual Dinner of The New England Society in the City of Brooklyn
[Dinner menu.]
Fourteenth Annual Dinner of the Canadian Society of New York
First Panel Sheriff's Jury