[Zvee Scooler posing with the album "Instant Yiddish" at the WEVD studio.]
[Abraham Ellstein, Zvee Scooler, Miriam Kressyn and Menasha Skulnik at WEVD.]
[A group of Yiddish actors at a party.]
[Miriam Kressyn with relatives.]
[Vera Rozanko and two men at WEVD radio station.]
[Miriam Kressyn.]
[Herschel Rosen, Miriam Kressyn, Joanna Peled and Zvee Scooler in "The Dybbuk".]
[The first executive committee of the "kunst ring".]
[Vera Rozanko with two actors and a pianist at WEVD radio station.]
[Vera Rozanko and an unidentified man at WEVD radio station.]
[Leo Fuchs and Miriam Kressyn.]
[Backstage at the Folks Theatre.]
[Miriam Kressyn and unidentified man, possibly Leo Fuchs.]
[Yiddish Art Theatre group during its early years.]
[Zvee Scooler, Judith Abarbanel and Miriam Reisel.]
[Zvee Scooler.]
[Group of Yiddish actors.]