["The Golem" theater still.]
[Beggars at the wedding feast in "The Dybbuk".]
[Z. Friedland as Chonen in "The Dybbuk".]
[Leah, played by Eva Lion, becoming possessed in "The Dybbuk".]
[Beggars dancing with Leah, played by Eva Lion, before the wedding in "The Dybbuk".]
[Arie Kutai and Eva Lion in "The Dybbuk".]
[Eva Lion as Leah in "The Dybbuk".]
[Eva Lion in "The Dybbuk".]
[Hanna Rovina as Leah in "The Dybbuk".]
[Eva Lion and Judith Kronenfeld in "The Dybbuk".]
[Second act of "The Dybbuk".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami holding a gun over Berta Gersten in "The Verdict".]
[Maurice Schwartz in Jacob Preger's "The Water Carrier".]
[Zvee Scooler's debut as the bridegroom in "The Dybbuk".]
[Lazar Fried as Chonon in S. Ansky's "The Dybbuk".]
[Joshua Zeldis and Renee Spector in "The King and the Cobbler".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami in "Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto".]