Destruction of the National Theatre, New York, September 23, 1839.
The Destruction of the National Theatre, with Three Churches & cc in the City of New York on the 23rd of September 1839.
Ruins of Trinity Church, 1776.
National Theater New York.
Ruins of Trinity Church, North Side 1776.
Ruins of the Merchant's Exchange N.Y.
Ruins of Old Trinity Church, burned 1776, front on Wall Street.
[Ruins of Brooklyn Tabernacle.]
Ruins of Barnums Museum
View of the Ruins After The Great Fire in New-York. Dec. 16th.& 17th. 1835.
[National Theatre.]
Three Blackened Peaks. [Ruins of the Fulton Fish Market.]
National Theatre
["The Ruined Lady" theater still.]
View of the Ruins After the Great Fire in N.Y. Dec. 16th. & 17th. 1835.
The Ruins of Phelp's & Peck's Store
Ruins of of 104-106 Bleecker Street Destroyed by Fire March 17th, 1891.
Adler's National Theatre
Thomashefsky National Theatre. National Winter Garden (Roof)