Banquet of the Sons of the Revolution
Sons of the Revolution
The Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Banquet Given by the Empire State Society Sons of the American Revolution Commemorative of the Battle of Lexington
The Life Insurance Association of New-York 3d Annual Dinner
The Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York have the Honour to request the Presence of Allen M. Thomas
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick 118 Anniversary Dinner
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York [118th anniversary dinner.]
Saint Nicholas Society
Dinner of the New-York Graduates of Yale University
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York Annual Banquet
Presentation of the Site of Old Fort Washington to the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society by Rodman Wanamaker
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Society of Colonial Wars
The Spanish-American Commercial Union. Banquet to the Delegates to the International American Conference
Annual Banquet
New England Society in the City of New York Annual Dinner
Annual Banquet of the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited)