Testimonial Home Coming Banquet to the Honourable James J. Walker, Mayor of the City of New York
Dinner In Honor of Mrs. Hoover
The City of New York - 1609-1930
Dinner in honour of H. R. H. Prince Henry of Prussia
Banquet in Honor of His Excellency Prince Potenziani Spada Governor of Rome
[Albuquerque mayor Clyde Tingley and Mayor Jimmy Walker being interviewed by a radio announcer as a man in traditional Native American dress watches.]
[New York City Mayor Jimmy Walker and others.]
Boost New York City. Dinner to Honorable John F. Hylan
Dinner in Honor of Viscountess Astor
Seating List. Dinner in Honor of Viscountess Astor
"Boost New York City". Dinner tendered to Honorable John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City
Dinner in Honor of the Imperial Japanese Commission to the United States of America
Dinner in Honor of the Italian Royal Commission to the United States of America
[Mayor Jimmy Walker at an event in Baden-Baden with the King of Sweden.]
Banquet in honor of Captain Hermann Koehl, Major James Fitzmaurice and Baron Guenther von Huenefeld